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Paracord Outdoor Gear Project book

Paracord Outdoor Gear Project book


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Paracord Outdoor Gear Project by Joel Hooks


If you love outdoors, you’ll love parachute cord! Strong, lightweight and durable, it’s the most versatile material developed for making outdoor gear and accessories.

This book shows you how easy it is to use colourful paracord to create attractive and useful survival bracelets, lanyards, pouches, slings, straps and more. Follow step-by-step instructions with demonstrative photos to learn basic knot tying. These knots will not only come in handy for the included projects but will be useful skills to apply to your own creations.

Paracord Outdoor Gear Projects introduces you to the tools needed to make 12 projects. You will also find some great tips and tricks to make working with paracord as simple as possible. Perfect for kids and beginner paracordist, whether you’re camping in the wilderness, working outside, attending a game or just walking the dog, you’re sure to find the ideal DIY project here!

Make your own useful and attractive outdoor gear!

  • 12 easy projects for lanyards, straps, wraps, keychains, and more
  • Survival bracelets that come apart quickly to provide emergency cord
  • Practical gear for camping, hiking, and more
  • Detailed instructions and step-by-step photos
  • Ropecrafting advice for knots, fusing, tools, and material


Print length: 48 pages

Publisher: Fox Chapel Publishing

Author: Joel Hooks

Format: Paperback


  • Model: Outdoor Gear Projects book

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